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Factors to Remember When Looking for a Refrigerator for Your Home


Buying things for your home always requires you to take a step back and assess your needs and budget because it’s an investment worth thinking over multiple times. Whether it’s getting new pieces of furniture or appliances, you must be 100% sure about your decisions.

When shopping for a refrigerator, you cannot make room for errors, so browsing the market takes time. With the array of styles, brands, and models available for you to choose from, it all comes down to your preference and if the fridge you’re eyeing fits your demands.

The important thing is researching reliable refrigerators that will be a great addition to your kitchen. Keep reading below to find out things to consider when picking out your next appliance. 

Find Out the Measurements of Your Space 

When you’re buying a refrigerator, you can expect it to arrive at your doorstep in one piece, unlike furniture that comes in parts, allowing you to assemble them in your place. Take note that the appliance goes through the door and the other areas that lead to your kitchen.  

Before visiting an appliance store, you must take out a tape measure and write down the measurements of your home—the doorway, hallways, and chosen space for your appliance. It helps you know your limits for picking a refrigerator that fits your home perfectly. 

The area you dedicate for your fridge should have adequate space, meaning every time you open its door, it shouldn’t hit anything, such as a kitchen island, a wall, or another appliance. There must also be extra room around your refrigerator to acquire proper ventilation. 

Decide What Type of Fridge You Want 

Fridges come in different styles, and you can get them with numerous features, add-ons, and highlights. The most common categories are top freezer, bottom freezer, side-by-side, French door, column, and counter depth.

A top freezer involves having the freezer on top of the refrigerator compartment, offering efficiency, affordability, and a classic touch, while a bottom freezer works the opposite. For side-by-side freezers, the refrigerator and freezer are placed beside each other. 

French door types are stylish, contain two doors, and are often expensive. A column refrigerator is fairly new to the market and has more customization properties than typical fridges. Lastly, a counter depth is shallower than a standard refrigerator to fit in limited spaces better.

Determine How Much Storage You Need 

A crucial part of picking out a fridge is knowing how much storage space you require to accommodate your needs. It all boils down to recognizing your eating habits and the available space in your kitchen. 

As much as possible, you should get a fridge that provides versatility and has many shelves and compartments. If you don’t need too much space, you could consider a refrigerator with an ice dispenser as a helpful feature.  

If you have the extra budget, you could get a refrigerator that offers flexible shelves you can customize. That way, you can easily squeeze a cake, pizza, platter, or bottles of wine inside it without problems because you can make way for last-minute changes. 


When checking out refrigerators at an appliance store, make sure to come prepared and know what you need. It will help to find out the measurements of your space, know what type of fridge you want, and determine how much storage you need before settling for a refrigerator to complete your kitchen space.

Are you looking for kitchen appliances in Birmingham, AL, for your home? AllSouth Appliance offers products and services of appliances, countertops, cabinetry, and hardware. Browse through our catalog to discover what’s in store for you!


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